8 Holistic Fertility Treatments

Having experienced two miscarriages, numerous IUIs, three failed attempts at IVF, I could write a book on all the crazy things I’ve tried to become pregnant. There’s not a supplement I haven’t taken, a diet I haven’t endured, or a workout I haven’t stumbled my way through. I’ve lost weight, gained weight, missed out on numerous wine nights with the girls. I’ve eaten more eggs, salmon and avocados than I can stomach to remember. I’ve avoided certain products, turned to prayer, invested in crystals, stood on my head for ten minutes after sex, restricted caffeine, bathed in essential oils, and even attempted witch craft! You name it, this geriatric mama has more than likely done it.

One thing I’ve learned through this journey is that my body responds best to a more natural approach. Each time I’ve gotten pregnant has been from good old fashion sex. All the injections, medications, egg retrieval’s, and lab assisted implantation to create embryos, resulted in nothing but broken hearts. For me, less was more.

Please keep in mind that what I’m about to share is based off my personal experience. What worked for me may not necessarily work for you. Every woman’s body is different. It’s important to listen to your body and lean in on the treatment that feels right for you.

In this post I’ll be sharing various holistic fertility treatments. Some I’ve tried, others I’ve heard about. I’ll cover what helped, what felt like a waste of time, and what ultimately ended up working for me. It is important to note that I am not a medical professional. Be sure to consult with your fertility doctor prior to attempting any of the following.

Geriatric Mamas is an original blog and podcast for women who are leaning in to 'geriatric mamahood' 8 Holistic Fertility Treatments

Holistic Fertility Treatments:

One of the first things I tried when I noticed I was struggling with infertility was acupuncture. I had many people offer unsolicited advice about giving it a try, so I finally caved. After all, it’s much cheaper and way less overwhelming than IVF, so why not?

I’d be lying if I said the whole idea of acupuncture didn’t make me cringe. Had I completely lost my mind? I was voluntarily paying someone to stab me with tiny needles in various parts of my body.

To my surprise, it was extremely relaxing! Sure, the initial poke didn’t feel amazing, but in most cases it was like a tiny pinch. After a few seconds I didn’t feel anything and eventually forgot they were there. I was left in a room for 30 minutes where I was forced to relax to soothing ocean sounds. No phone, no iPad, no computer, no TV, no talking… 30 minutes of pure uninterrupted bliss. It was amazing! This first visit turned into one of many as I continued to go twice a week for the next two years.

My Acupuncturist was AMAZING! In many cases, she helped me more than my fertility doctors. She offered help with choosing the right supplements, made suggestions of what foods to eat, and educated me on balancing hormones. When I had an ovarian cyst pop up that delayed a treatment cycle, she prescribed me an herb to be added to my nightly tea that made the cyst disappear almost immediately. My whole mindset and attitude about holistic medicine changed because of my acupuncturist.

Holistic Treatment #1: Acupuncture:
Research has shown that acupuncture successfully increases the blood flow around the ovaries, which improves their ability to support healthy eggs, improving both the quality and quantity. There’s also evidence that acupuncture may help improve fertility in women with many health conditions, such as polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), hypothyroidism, and ovulation problems.

When combined with IVF, acupuncture has been shown to increase implantation success rates. In some studies, acupuncture performed on the day the embryo is placed back in the uterus improved pregnancy rates when compared to a control.

Some benefits of acupuncture include:

. Improved fertility
. Reduced stress
. Improved circulation
. Managing migraines and headaches
. Improving menstrual cramp pain
. Improving chronic pain
. Helping with nausea
. Improving Fibromyalgia
. Reducing arthritis pain
. Reducing pain and swelling associated with Carpal Tunnel syndrome
. Helping with Asthma
. In some cases, acupuncture may help with stroke rehabilitation

Other conditions that may benefit from acupuncture include:

. Anxiety
. Depression
. Insomnia
. Gastritis
. Initial Bowel Syndrome (IBS)
. Back and neck pain
. Male infertility
. Some forms of impotence
. Irritable bladder syndrome
. Addiction

Once I became pregnant, I continued going to acupuncture once a week to help with circulation and blood flow to my uterus. Later in my pregnancy I started experiencing intense swelling and painful Carpal Tunnel. After just one visit, the pain in my wrists and hands was gone! The relief lasted about 4 days, so weekly visits were a must. I also attribute the fact that I had a fairly easy pregnancy to the result of acupuncture. Nausea is typically a sign of hormone imbalance, which is something I had been working on for a couple years prior to falling pregnant. I didn’t experience any of the typical symptoms people talk about such as nausea, weird cravings, headaches, extreme fatigue, acne, mood swings, etc. Minus the swelling and Carpal Tunnel that crept up in my third trimester, I was essentially a fat and happy geriatric LOL.

Holistic Treatment #2: Meditation / Yoga:
This isn’t one that I found success with, but I’ve heard of it helping others. Sitting still and relaxing doesn’t come easy to me, so you can imagine the struggle!

Meditation is one of the tools widely used to release hormones that help during the fertility journey, pregnancy and birth. One of these hormones is cortisol, the hormone “guilty” of creating stress. Meditation has been shown to reduce cortisol levels.

When used in combination with other fertility treatments, yoga can play an important part of a fertility-promoting lifestyle. Stress and obesity, for example, are both linked to anovulatory infertility.

Holistic Treatment #3: Herbs:
This one is more up my ally! When combined with healthy diet and lifestyle choices, such as regular exercise and stress reduction techniques, herbs can be a powerful tool for promoting overall reproductive health. The most commonly used fertility herbs include chasteberry, black cohosh, red clover, and maca.

Certain herbs have been shown to positively impact fertility, both in men and women. For example, herbal supplements can help boost sperm count in men. Herbs like chasteberry (also known as vitex for fertility) and red clover have been shown to promote hormonal balance in women, enhancing their chances of successful conception.

Studies have shown that herbs can help promote fertility, increasing the success rate of IVF. However, always consult your doctor before taking any supplements to aid in fertility. Some claim that herbs are a safe and effective way of treating conditions ranging from endometriosis to PCOS, while others may argue that their use can have serious side effects.

Some herbs may interact with other medications or supplements, or have unintended effects on hormone levels or uterine function. However, when taken properly under the guidance of an experienced healthcare provider, some herbs can be a natural and safe option for women looking to manage their reproductive health.

As I mentioned earlier, my Acupuncturist had prescribed me some herbs to add to my nightly tea to help dissolve an ovarian cyst that popped up during treatment. The herb she recommended was Sun Ten, Cinnamon & Hoelen Formula - Guitar Zhi Fu Ling Wan. She had me open up two pills and pour the powder into my tea once a night for 2 weeks. After just a few days, my fertility doctor was shocked by how quickly the cyst had shrunk. By the end of the first week, the cyst was completely gone!

Best Herbs for Fertility:
Chasteberry, also known as vitex, is a medicinal herb that has long been used to improve fertility in both women and men. Studies have shown, chasteberry may be effective in helping to restore normal projesterone levels in women with issues related to ovulation and menstruation. In addition, chasteberry may also benefit male fertility by increasing sperm count and motility.

Black Cohosh is a popular herb that has been used for its fertility-enhancing properties. This plant contains several active compounds that support reproductive health, including phytoestrogens and other nutrients like zinc and magnesium. Taking black cohosh may help improve ovulation and promote regular menstruation.

Red Clover is a well-known and widely used herb for increasing fertility in both women and men. Red Clover is high in magnesium, which may increase sperm count and motility in men. This herb may help regulate estrogen levels for women, which may influence both ovulation and fetal development. Red Clover is further a natural source of phytoestrogens, which can help women achieve balance after periods of hormonal imbalance or imbalance caused by certain medications or treatments.

Maca is a natural plant extract that has become increasingly popular as a fertility aid. Studies have shown that maca may help to improve both male and female reproductive health, boosting conception rates and increasing the odds of a successful pregnancy. This powerful herb works by normalizing hormone levels and optimizing overall health, creating ideal pregnancy conditions. Maca can help protect the body from damage caused by oxidative stress, which is often associated with infertility issues.

Evening Primrose is a natural remedy for infertility. This plant-based oil is rich in omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids, which are critical nutrients for females reproductive health. These fatty acids may help balance hormone levels in the body and promote ovulation, making it an effective treatment for women struggling to conceive.

Cinnamon has long been thought to be beneficial for fertility. Studies have shown that cinnamaldehyde, a compound found in cinnamon, can help to stimulate the reproductive system and improve hormonal balance. Cinnamon also contains antioxidants that may promote healthy blood flow to the uterus, helping maintain uterine health and support a healthy pregnancy.

The info above was taken from: http://elite-if.com/herbs-for-fertilityelite-if.com/herbs-for-fertility

Holistic Treatment #4: Chiropractic Help
Correcting spinal misalignments can help couples conceive successfully with no intervention or additional procedures. Multiple case studies have shown that couples with infertility issues have been found to have spinal misalignments, leading to dysfunction of the reproductive systems.

Regular chiropractic care can also encourage an increase in blood flow which is positive news for conception, as some women struggle with fertility because of blocked Fallopian tubes. Encouraging better blood flow can make it easier for a fertilized egg to move into the Fallopian tubes - one step closer to the uterus!

I did not seek chiropractic help during my fertility journey. However, I have some friends who swear by it!

Holistic Treatment #5: Crystals:
This one may seem a bit hokey to some. For me, I’m all about it! My husband and I found a small metaphysical boutique not too far from us and hand picked several stones to help aid in fertility and prosperity. The belief is, healing crystals can be used as a form of alternative therapy for various health issues by centering our energy flow in our bodies. Specific types of energy problems can be solved by specific types of crystals.

Each crystal has its own electromagnetic property, which when kept close to the body, can budge the body to correct any energy-related imbalances or blockages that are causing harm. Fertility crystals in particular tend to revolve around the heart chakra, root chakra (spine and pelvic floor), and sacral chakra (above the belly button).

Some popular healing crystals for fertility include:

. Rose quartz
. Moonstone
. Aquamarine
. Green aventurine
. Unakite, Carnelian
. Ruby zoisite
. Citrine
. Fluorite
. Jade
. Lepidolite
. Rhodonite

These stones are said to help increase fertility, heal reproductive organs, boost sexual energy, and regulate the menstrual cycle.

My husband and I chose the stones we were most drawn to and placed them under our pillows. I also found a cute ring from Etsy with rose quartz that I wore often, as well as a fertility bracelet that had moonstone and rose quartz that I wore every day.

Holistic Treatment #6: Diet:
This is one that I struggled with a lot. I’d have weeks of being super healthy and then it would all come to a screeching halt the moment French fries were mentioned… Hello, my name is Jessica and I’m a French fryaholic.

There are many different ‘fertility diets’ out there - Mediterranean diet, eating for your blood type, Whole30 and anti-inflammatory diets, clean eating, etc. While I’m sure these diets work and provide lots of yummy benefits, I personally found them hard to follow long-term. What worked for me was being mindful of what I put into my body, limiting my sugar intake, avoiding foods with lots of antibiotics and growth hormones, and cutting caffeine.

In addition, supplementing some of my meals and snacks with the following foods also helped “dieting” for fertility feel more sustainable:

1. Beans 7 Lentils
2. Sunflower Seeds
3. Fruit
4. Avocados
5. Quinoa
6. Greek Yogurt
7. Salmon
8. Asparagus
9. Walnuts
10: Egg Yolks

Please refer to our post on Eating for Fertility for more insight on this topic.

Holistic Treatment #7: Exercise and maintaining a healthy weight / BMI:

UGHHHH… amirite?! Not only does exercise help with losing excess weight that may inhibit fertility, regular fitness activity can also help balance hormones, improve insulin, and reduce stress, all of which can help boost fertility. Exercise is also a vital factor when it comes to those undergoing IVF.

Studies have linked a higher BMI to infertility. Women who are trying to conceive should maintain a BMI between 20 and 25 to help optimize chances of conception.

Women who undergo weight loss surgery tend to become pregnant fairly quickly after dropping large amounts of weight due to an increase in fertility from a sudden drop to their BMI.

Holistic Treatment #8: Supplements:
See our post about Supplements for a comprehensive list and how to choose the right ones!

What worked for me was a combination of things. Routine weekly acupuncture, herbs, daily supplements, healing crystals, and having sex more often. One of the biggest reasons women struggle to become pregnant is due to missing their ovulation window. By the time we see the solid line on the ovulation test, our window has basically closed. The trick is to build up a bank of sperm BEFORE ovulation begins and continuing to have sex throughout the week of ovulation, and a few days following.

My husband and I were waiting to begin our fourth round of IVF when we decided to give this a try. The day after my period stopped we began having sex twice a day (morning and evening), every other day leading up to ovulation. During the week of ovulation, we had sex twice a day, every day. The days / week that followed ovulation we continued having sex once a day. Immediately following sex, I would spend 10 minutes laying on my back and 10 minutes laying on my stomach for a total of 20 minutes.

I’m not going to lie, this was a lot of work! However, it was also a lot of fun! It resulted in our miracle baby, so I’d say it was worth it! :)
