Let’s Have a ‘Hot Geriatric Mom’ Summer, Mamas!
Sonia Tapley Sonia Tapley

Let’s Have a ‘Hot Geriatric Mom’ Summer, Mamas!

Oh… ‘hot girl Summers’ and living our best lives… All of that takes on a whole new meaning as a woman of ‘advanced maternal age’, am I right? But I still want to have them! I want to feel like the best version of myself at the beach with my miracle baby girl this Summer! So, I put together this list of six things we can all do to have our ‘hot geriatric mom Summer’ this year!

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Why IPL Laser Treatment Needs to Be Part of Your Seasonal Self-Care Routine!
Sonia Tapley Sonia Tapley

Why IPL Laser Treatment Needs to Be Part of Your Seasonal Self-Care Routine!

Last fall, I decided that it was finally time to have my unwanted sun spots removed. I started to see them on my face when I was in my early thirties; but I was able to cover them with makeup, so I didn’t feel as though they needed to be removed or treated in any way. After having my baby girl, these lovely spots rapidly got worse. I felt like my face was turning into a mask of sun spots! So, it was time to get them treated… aka have them removed, asap!

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How To Sync Your Life To Your Cycle & Optimize Your Female Superpower!
Sonia Tapley Sonia Tapley

How To Sync Your Life To Your Cycle & Optimize Your Female Superpower!

Cycle Syncing is about syncing your life to your body’s changing hormones throughout your monthly cycle so that you can optimize your energy and emotions.

You can actually adapt your diet, exercise, work, productivity, and social life to the different phases of your monthly menstrual cycle in order to feel great and do everything better.

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