‘Advanced Maternal Aged’ Celebrity Mamas & Their Journeys to Geriatric Mama-hood!
Sonia Tapley Sonia Tapley

‘Advanced Maternal Aged’ Celebrity Mamas & Their Journeys to Geriatric Mama-hood!

On this episode, Sonia and Jessica discuss how geriatric celebrity mamas are getting pregnant in their mid-to-late forties. From natural conception to IVF, adoption, egg donor-ship and embryo donor-ship; the stigmas around older celebrity mamas not wanting to share exactly how they conceived. The Geriatric Mamas weigh in on if it’s advanced-maternal-aged celebrity mamas’ responsibility to remind us that we have biological clocks since they’re able to have their babies later in life.

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Meet the Geriatric Mamas!
Sonia Tapley Sonia Tapley

Meet the Geriatric Mamas!

In this first episode, Sonia and Jessica discuss their journeys to geriatric mamahood, why they waited so long to have children, fertility treatments, miscarriages, pregnancy reveals and miracle rainbow babies.

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