Surviving Your Postpartum Era; Despite The Sparkly New Warning Label On… Parenting!
On this episode the ‘Geriatric’ Mamas explore three postpartum challenges that many new mamas face while taking care of their newborns, with insights and encouraging thoughts from moms who have felt the same! Sonia and Jessica also confront the major parenting elephant in the room, they’ve really been dragging their feet on this one; but they’re finally diving in to the new warning label that’s been placed on parenting. Crediting Dr. Becky, AKA ‘The Millennial Parenting Whisperer’, for reaching out to the man himself to put forth some solutions and actionable strategies to help parents survive… well… parenting; IYKYK. They also share one of Dr. Becky’s very insightful instagram reels to help you help your toddler through some big big feelings without the cortisol spike. Enjoy!