How to Sync Your Life to Your Cycle So That You Can Thrive And Also Not Murder Anyone In Your Luteal Phase!

On this episode, Sonia and Jessica discuss the anxiety of going live with the podcast, the aftermath apology tour, the life changing benefits of cycle syncing and how to get started, seed cycling and more on rage texts because anything is possible in the luteal phase, maybe Jodi Arias wasn’t to blame for decapitating her boyfriend?

Topics discussed in this episode:

  • Hitting the Publish Button on Our First Five Podcast Episodes (3:45)

  • Go Live Regrets and The Apology Tour (4:18)

  • We Now Know That You Can’t Hear Our Background Noises (7:25)

  • What We’re No Longer Going to Say (8:59)

  • Cycle Syncing (11:03)

  • Rage Texts (14:47)

  • What is Cycle Syncing (16:31)

  • The Four Cycle Phases (19:42)

  • Monthly Cycle Trackers (20:41)

  • The Menstrual Phase (23:01)

  • Seed Cycling (24:11)

  • Follicular Phase (26:05)

  • Ovulation Phase (28:12)

  • Please Send Us A Correction (34:01)

  • The Luteal Phase AKA The Dangerous Phase (35:10)

  • Is the Luteal Phase to Blame for Murder? (38:24)

  • FYI: We’re Changing the Name of The Podcast (39:37)

  • The Chronicles of The Menses Slaughters, A Diary of A Woman’s Rage During the Luteal Phase ™ (40:03)

  • Cycle Syncing in Our Real Lives (44:25)

  • Top Women’s Sports Coaches Use Cycle Syncing to Optimize Performance (46:18)

I wonder if our husbands and if men in general still subconsciously felt like women were more sexy in their ovulation phase during Covid when no one was putting them selves together.
— Sonia

Resources mentioned in this episode:

Sonia’s Blog Post: Cycle Syncing to Balance Postpartum Hormones:

Cycle Syncing is about syncing our lives to our body’s changing hormones, (infradian rhythm), throughout our monthly cycles so that we can optimize our performance, energy levels, moods and overall happiness in life.

Before learning about cycle syncing, I knew my hormones had some control over my mood; but I didn’t realize that they were also controlling my physical energy levels and my confidence levels to the large degree that they do- and that it’s okay to plan accordingly and honor cycles as much as possible, so that we can feel like the best versions of ourselves more often.

We can actually adapt our diets, exercise routines, productivity, work and social lives to the different phases of our monthly infradian rhythm to feel great and do everything better than we would if we weren’t utilizing this knowlege. It’s basically like bio-hacking for female bodies.

In The Flo Book:

The bestselling author of WomanCode presents a biohacking program for women, teaching them how to use their natural 28-day cycle to optimize their time, diet, fitness, work, and relationships.

Women have a important biological rhythm they experience every month that affects productivity, weight, sex drive, energy, and mood. It is essential to be aware of and take care of this rhythm, but it has been widely ignored by medical, nutrition and fitness research. So as women, we diet, we deprive, and we cram as much as possible into our day, striving to accomplish impossible to-do lists, and scheduling our lives based on a 24-hour time cycle, ignoring the intuitive time our bodies naturally keep: a monthly cycle with four hormonal phases that offer incredible advantages.

In the FLO presents a revolutionary 4-week solution to manage your energy and time according to your female biochemistry. By working with each phase, you’ll support your hormones, unlock peak creativity and performance, and avoid burnout. You’ll know exactly when to eat certain foods, clear your social calendar, or ask for a raise—and you’ll have the tools to do so, including:

·       Meal plans and recipes for each phase

·       Charts for phase-specific exercises, work tasks, and relationship activities

·       A daily planner that helps you align with your strengths in each phase

·       A biohacking toolkit for navigating period problems and hormonal birth control

Alisa Vitti, functional nutrition and women’s hormone expert, bestselling author of WomanCode, and founder of modern hormone healthcare company, has been teaching women how to reclaim their rhythm for nearly twenty years and has witnessed the incredible rewards it offers—including losing stubborn weight, regaining energy, clearing skin, and minimizing PMS. 

Hormone Chart:

I wonder how many women have murdered people because they were in their luteal phase... I wonder where Jodi Arias was in her cycle when she decided to decapitate her boyfriend.
— Jessica

Jodi Arias must have been in her ovulation phase when this photo was taken.

Jodi Arias and The Murder of Travis Alexander:

Travis Victor Alexander (July 28, 1977 – June 4, 2008) was an American salesman who was murdered by his ex-girlfriend, Jodi Ann Arias (born July 9, 1980), in his house in Mesa, Arizona. Arias was convicted of first-degree murder on May 8, 2013, and sentenced to life in prison without the possibility of parole on April 13, 2015.[n 1]

At the time of the murder, Alexander sustained 27 stab wounds, a slit throat and a single gunshot wound to the forehead. Arias testified that she killed him in self-defense, but nevertherless she was convicted by the jury of first-degree murder. During the sentencing phase, the jury deadlocked on the death penalty option, and Arias was thus sentenced to life imprisonment without the possibility of parole.[1] Alexander's death and the subsequent investigation and trial received widespread media attention in the United States.[2][3][4]


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Please consult your physician for personalized medical and health advice. Always seek the advice of a physician or other qualified healthcare provider with any questions regarding a medical condition, your pregnancy, birth plan and post-partum treatments.

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