The Very First ‘Geriatric Coffee Convos’ Episode!
Sonia Tapley Sonia Tapley

The Very First ‘Geriatric Coffee Convos’ Episode!

On this first Geriatric Mamas Coffee Convos episode, Sonia and Jessica discuss Hayden turning one, the many things to look forward to as babies grow up, tips on getting toddlers to eat a variety of foods, the tragic death of a 21-month old baby girl in Maine, accidentally ghosting people because Moms are SO BUSY and also tools for feeling overstimulated and running on empty after work, like vodka and other fun stuff.

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Working Mom’s Guilt & 9 Tips For Going Back To Work After Baby!
Sonia Tapley Sonia Tapley

Working Mom’s Guilt & 9 Tips For Going Back To Work After Baby!

On this episode, Sonia and Jessica discuss the challenges of going back to work, what mom guilt tips have been working for them, calendar apps, childcare, calling in sick when you work remotely, is that even a thing? And ‘Carving out time for yourself’; also- is that even a thing?

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The Chronicles of A Geriatric Mama in the Labor and Delivery Wing!
Sonia Tapley Sonia Tapley

The Chronicles of A Geriatric Mama in the Labor and Delivery Wing!

On this episode, Sonia and Jessica discuss the inevitable bumps and bruises of toddlerhood, their postpartum hospital experiences and their first few weeks at home as geriatric mamas to their miracle babies. C-Sections, solving colic symptoms, precious moments, postpartum rage texts, and bottles shaped like boobs; are they just another mommy marketing hoax?!

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