A ‘Geriatric’ Anniversary Special; You’ve Laughed And Cried With Us For One Full Year!

Join Sonia and Jessica for this ‘Geriatric’ Anniversary Special! You went to your doctor, you told them you wanted to have a baby over the age of thirty five… So, they ran a few tests… and then they called you some very offensive names. You thought to yourself… ‘who are they calling geriatric?!’ And then you found the ‘Geriatric’ Mamas podcast and laughed and cried through an entire year’s worth of fertility and motherhood stories! This episode is a list of your top ten favorite moments from the first year of the ‘Geriatric’ Mamas podcast. Happy anniversary, Mamas! Enjoy!

Topics discussed in this episode:

  • (2:56) A California Restaurant Mistakenly Served a Toddler Cooking Wine Instead of Juice, Landing Her in the Emergency Room With .12 Blood Alcohol Content

  • (8:30) Your Top 10 Favorite Moments From The First Year of the ‘Geriatric’ Mamas Podcast

Mentioned in this episode:

A California Restaurant Mistakenly Served a Toddler Cooking Wine Instead of Juice, Landing Her in the Emergency Room With .12 Blood Alcohol Content

First of all… Let’s talk about what's considered a high Blood alcohol level. Levels of 0.10 - 0.20 are associated with impaired judgment, balance, and memory; levels of 0.20 - 0.30 are associated with confusion and disorientation; and levels greater than 0.35 cause stupor, disordered breathing, and ultimately coma and death.  Most alcohol-related trauma occurs at legal intoxication levels or higher, while coma and death have been described in young men or women who drink excessive amounts of alcohol over a short period of time. 

"She was swaying, she was falling over, she was leaning on walls, she couldn’t hold her head up, she was slurring her words," Valencia explained of her daughter, which prompted immediate concern.

The parents investigated their toddler's cup and discovered that the beverage she was given and told was apple juice was, in actuality, cooking wine. Restaurant staff told the couple that the alcoholic beverage had been mislabeled as apple juice by a staffer, according to the publication.

The concerned parents quickly rushed their child to Salinas Valley ER, where they spent the night. A blood test revealed that the child had a blood alcohol content of .12, which is twice the legal limit for a consenting adult.

The child has since sobered up and recovered, but Valencia is urging other parents to be more diligent about checking what their young ones are served at restaurants.

Does cooking wine have a higher alcohol content that regular wine… Yes, cooking wine usually has a higher alcohol content than most wines, with an average of around 16% ABV (alcohol by volume). This is because the alcohol is intended to burn off during cooking, and the higher the alcohol content, the longer it takes to burn off. For example, in a slow braise, about 35% of the alcohol remains after 30 minutes of cooking, and only 4% remains after 2.5 hours. However, the exact percentage depends on the cooking method, temperature, and other factors. 

In A Recent Episode Of The Kardashians, Khloé Told Her Mom That The Uterus Doesn’t Age

So, where did she get this information from… We’re guessing her Doctor, but here are some facts: Ovarian age plays a role in embryo implantation failure and miscarriage. But does the chronological age of the uterus also affect implantation rates?

A study by Reproductive Medicine Associates of New York (RMA of NY) demonstrated that, no, uterine aging does not contribute to the age-related decline in fertility. Implantation rates will not be affected by the chronological age of the uterus.

The retrospective cohort study assessed the effect of uterine age by controlling for egg quality with the use of comprehensive chromosomal screening (CCS). The researchers analyzed 869  IVF cycles. The blastocysts selected for transfer were determined to be chromosomally normal.

While the number of eggs retrieved decreased with age, 54 percent of transfers resulted in implantation and 50.4 percent progressed to a clinical pregnancy.

All chromosomally normal embryos appear to have an equivalent implantation rate potential regardless of the woman’s age, according to Dr. Alan Copperman, Medical Director of RMA of NY. With this study, “We’re controlling for variables and we’re putting embryos into women whose uteri are 20, 30, 40, or 50, and we’re finding that the implantation rate is the same. The eggs age but the uterus does not appear to age,” Copperman says.

Mom Reels of The Week…

👀 What Would Happen If You Strapped A FitBit On Your Toddler?

👩‍🎓 Going To Our Kid’s College Graduation After A ‘Geriatric’ Pregnancy.

👯‍♀️ Meems Gillette Leaned In To The Term ‘Geriatric’ Mom While Finding Her Son’s Missing Legos.

🚜 Toddlering and Driving, It’s A Real Thing!

Reminder… Listeners can receive 20% off services at Ageless Medical Aesthetics in Westbrook, ME with Code: MAMAS2024 when you follow them on instagram!

Also… Receive a Free First Swim Class at Goldfish Swim in Portland, Maine with same code: MAMAS2024; you’ll need to call them to schedule your little one’s first class.


Thanks for listening!

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You can follow us on instagram at @geriatric_mamas, on Twitter at @geriatricmamas, and follow our facebook page and our Geriatric Mamas group page.

If you have a topic idea you’d like us to discuss, are interested in being a guest, or simply have a funny geriatric story to tell, you can contact us here!


Have a question, comment or correction for the first episode of Geriatric Mamas? Leave it for us here!


Have your journey to motherhood featured on the Geriatric Mamas podcast!

So many women have kept their fertility struggles a secret, and endured their pain alone. It doesn’t need to feel so isolating.

If you or someone you know is 35+ and struggled with fertility, experienced heartbreaking fostering or adoption challenges, endured a miscarriage, or were perhaps flat out told by a doctor that you will never conceive naturally, and eventually found your happy ending by becoming a mama, your story could be what keeps another woman going on her journey to her miracle baby!

Send us your story and it could be featured on the next HOPEisode! 

xx, Sonia and Jessica



Please consult your physician for personalized medical and health advice. Always seek the advice of a physician or other qualified healthcare provider with any questions regarding a medical condition, your pregnancy, birth plan and post-partum treatments.

Never disregard or delay seeking professional medical advice or treatment because of something you have heard on the Geriatric Mamas podcast or website.


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