Crazy Pregnancy Myths Mostly Debunked; A ‘Geriatric’ Rewind!
Join Sonia and Jessica for a very fun ‘Geriatric’ Rewind episode! If you think you’ve already heard all the crazy pregnancy myths… have you really? There are so many good ones in the episode from way back called: Crazy Pregnancy Myths Mostly Debunked! From predicting your baby’s gender to hairy orange babies… and karmic revenge styes! If you have any crazy myths to add to the list, please send them in to and let The ‘Geriatric’ Mamas know if you think they’re myths or actually facts! Enjoy the episode!
Topics discussed in this episode:
(1:07) Pregnancy Myth Updates
(3:35) The Baby Gender Pendulum Test aka Ring Test
(5:00) Crazy Pregnancy Myths Mostly Debunked
Mike and Adam at Sonia and Mike’s wedding.
Resources mentioned in this episode:
Your New Favorite Baby Shower Game, Perhaps?!
Little Fortunes is an interactive table top game that uses historical folklore from around the globe to uncover or confirm if a future mama is to expect a little girl or boy! Are the game's predictions real? That's for you to decide!
The game features 13 pregnancy myths, reimagines as fun "tests" that a future mama can carry out with their family and friends. Instructions for each of the 13 tests are listed on individual activity panels. The front of each activity panel includes a stunning illustration; the back of each panel lists 4-5 easy-to-follow instructions on how to conduct the test; and the inside of the panel provides a timeline that traces the evolution of the pregnancy myth though history. Each test result indicates a boy or a girl, and the results are recorded on a keepsake card. After all tests are complete, players tally up the "boy" results vs "girl" results. Whichever sex is predicted most often is considered the final prediction.
String a wedding ring on a necklace
Hold the necklace over the pregnant belly
Observe the ring's movements
If the ring swings back and forth, it's said to mean your baby is a boy, and if it spins in a circle, it's said to mean your baby is a girl. This is based on the idea of dowsing, which is a tradition that uses the movements of a ring-weighted string to determine the baby's gender.
Additional Pregnancy Myth Resources:,, SBH Health Systems, Bronx -,,,,
Adam and Mike at Jessica and Adam’s wedding.
Reminder: Listeners can receive 20% off services at Ageless Medical Aesthetics in Westbrook, ME with Code: MAMAS2024 when you follow them on instagram!
Also receive a Free First Swim Class at Goldfish Swim in Portland, Maine with same code: MAMAS2024; you’ll need to call them to schedule your little one’s first class. (207) 306-2184
Thanks for listening!
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Have your journey to motherhood featured on the Geriatric Mamas podcast!
So many women have kept their fertility struggles a secret, and endured their pain alone. It doesn’t need to feel so isolating.
If you or someone you know is 35+ and struggled with fertility, experienced heartbreaking fostering or adoption challenges, endured a miscarriage, or were perhaps flat out told by a doctor that you will never conceive naturally, and eventually found your happy ending by becoming a mama, your story could be what keeps another woman going on her journey to her miracle baby!
Send us your story and it could be featured on the next HOPEisode!
xx, Sonia and Jessica
Please consult your physician for personalized medical and health advice. Always seek the advice of a physician or other qualified healthcare provider with any questions regarding a medical condition, your pregnancy, birth plan and post-partum treatments.
Never disregard or delay seeking professional medical advice or treatment because of something you have heard on the Geriatric Mamas podcast or website.